3 Week4 - Algorithms & Approximations

3.1 Lesson 1 - Algorithms

3.1.1 Shortest Path Problem

Relations <- read.table(
  text = "
From To weight
SL CH 300
SL IN 245
SL LV 263
SL NV 312
CH CL 362
CH IN 201
IN CO 176
IN CI 112
IN LV 114
LV LX 86
LV NV 175
CL CO 142
CL HB 322
CL MT 201
CL CN 251
CO CI 105
CI LX 95
CI CN 204
LX CN 177
LX KV 170
KV GR 299
CN MT 157
CN GR 244
CN RI 318
MT HB 213
MT WA 209
GR RI 205
HB WA 120
WA RI 111
", header =T)
net <- graph_from_data_frame(Relations, directed=F)

#TODO Erro no pacote
# plot(net,vertex.label.cex = 0.8 , vertex.color=Relations$From, edge.label=Relations$weight,
#      edge.label.cex = 0.8, edge.color = "gray70", edge.label.color = "black")
# as_edgelist(net, names=T)
# as_adjacency_matrix(net, attr="weight")
# as_data_frame(net)

#Plot the degree distribution for our network:
deg <- degree(net, mode="all")
deg.dist <- degree_distribution(net, cumulative=T, mode="all")
plot(x=0:max(deg), y=1-deg.dist, pch=19, cex=1.2, col="orange", 
      xlab="Degree", ylab="Cumulative Frequency")
#Shortest Path
sPath <- function(net, from, to){

#Function created based on https://kateto.net/tutorials/  
Path <- shortest_paths(net, from = from, to = to, weights = E(net)$weight, output = "both")

# Generate edge color variable to plot the path:

ecol <- rep("gray80", ecount(net))
ecol[unlist(Path$epath)] <- "orange"

# Generate edge width variable to plot the path:

ew <- rep(2, ecount(net))
ew[unlist(Path$epath)] <- 4

 #Generate node color variable to plot the path:

vcol <- rep("gray40", vcount(net))
vcol[unlist(Path$vpath)] <- "gold"


plot(net, vertex.color=vcol, edge.color=ecol,
     edge.width=ew, edge.arrow.mode=0)


sPath(net, from = "LV", to =  "WA")

All lowest distances from the model

# all vertices to all vertices

distMatrix <- shortest.paths(net, v=V(net), to=V(net), weight = net$weight)
kable(distMatrix, caption = "Lowest distance from node to node") %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 3.1: Lowest distance from node to node
SL 0 300 245 263 563 421 357 349 519 526 683 770 885 892 312 844
CH 300 0 201 315 362 377 313 401 571 517 563 761 684 772 490 835
IN 245 201 0 114 318 176 112 200 370 316 473 560 640 682 289 634
LV 263 315 114 0 428 286 181 86 256 263 420 507 633 629 175 581
CL 563 362 318 428 0 142 247 342 512 251 201 495 322 410 603 521
CO 421 377 176 286 142 0 105 200 370 309 343 553 464 552 461 627
CI 357 313 112 181 247 105 0 95 265 204 361 448 569 570 356 522
LX 349 401 200 86 342 200 95 0 170 177 334 421 547 543 261 495
KV 519 571 370 256 512 370 265 170 0 347 504 299 717 615 431 504
CN 526 517 316 263 251 309 204 177 347 0 157 244 370 366 438 318
MT 683 563 473 420 201 343 361 334 504 157 0 401 213 209 595 320
GR 770 761 560 507 495 553 448 421 299 244 401 0 436 316 682 205
HB 885 684 640 633 322 464 569 547 717 370 213 436 0 120 808 231
WA 892 772 682 629 410 552 570 543 615 366 209 316 120 0 804 111
NV 312 490 289 175 603 461 356 261 431 438 595 682 808 804 0 756
RI 844 835 634 581 521 627 522 495 504 318 320 205 231 111 756 0 Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  • Inputs: n Connected graph with nodes and arcs with positive costs, d(ij) n Source (s) and Terminal (t) nodes

  • Algorithm:

  1. for all nodes in graph, set L()=∞, P()=Null, S()=0

  2. set s to i, S(i)=1, and L(i)=0

  3. For all nodes, j, directly connected (adjacent) to node i, if L(j) > L(i) + d(ij), then set L(j) = L(i) + d(ij) and P(j)=i

  4. For all nodes where S()=0, select the node with lowest L() and set it to i, set S(i)=1

  5. Is this node t, the terminal node? If so, go to end If not, go to step 3

  6. end – return L(t)

The shortest_path and shortest.path function already solves it by default with dijkstra’s model when the weights have only positive values.

But let’s mimic the algorithm and try to get the results.

Djikstraz <- function(net, source, terminal){

source <- 1
terminal <- 7
data <- as.matrix(as_adjacency_matrix(net, attr="weight"))

n = nrow(data)
M = 10000000 

iMin = 1

data <- cbind(data, L = M)
data <- cbind(data, P = 0)
data <- cbind(data, S = 0)

data[source, "S"] = 1
data[source, "L"] = 0

i = source

while (i != terminal) {
    for (j in 1:n) {
      print(paste0("j = ",j))
        if (data[j, "L"] > 0) {
          if (data[j, "L"] == data[i, "L"] + data[i, j]) {
              data[j, "L"] <- data[i, "L"] + data[i, j]
              data[j, "P"] <- i
  Min <- M
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (data[i, "S"] == 0) {
      if (data[i, "L"] < Min) {
        Min <- data[i, "L"]
        iMin <- i
  i <- iMin
  data[i, "S"] = 1


} LP

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Minimize} & \ z = \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{M} c_{i,j} \cdot x_{i,j} \\ \textbf{subject to} \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} \sum_{j=1}^{M} x_{i,j} - x_{j,i} = 0, \ \forall j \neq s, \ j \neq t \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i,j} = 1, \ \forall j = t \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{j,i} = 1 \ \forall j = s \\ & x_{i} \ge 0 \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & x_{i,j} = \text{Number of units flowing on nodes} \\ & c_{i,j} = \text{Cost per unit for flow} \\ & s = \text{Source node} \\ & t = \text{Terminal node} \end{align*}\] $$

3.1.2 Traveling Salesman Problem Nearest Neighbor 2-opt

3.1.3 Vehicle Routing Problem Sweep Heuristic Clark-Wright

Cool way to create the clusters based on the distance weights, clustering based on the lowest interconnected nodes distance. This is cool because we don’t have to define the number of clusters, it will define it by the distance parameter

# edge betweenness
ceb <- cluster_edge_betweenness(net, weights = Relations$weight)

dendPlot(ceb, mode="hclust")
#Graph Plot
plot(ceb, net, main = "CLusters") MILP