1 Week2 - Unconstrained & Constrained Optimization

1.1 Recitation

1.1.1 Unconstrained

Straigthforward exercises in modeling optimization without index vectors.

\[ \textbf{Equation 1:} \ \ Minimze \ \ y = x^2+2*x-3 \]

Since is an unconstrained quadratic optimization with a single variable, base R package optimizer can solve it

f <- function(x){x^2+2*x-3}
result <- optimize(f,interval = c(-10,10), maximum = F)
## $minimum
## [1] -1
## $objective
## [1] -4

Let’s check the result in the plot

#Data created for plot, using mutate on the function
x <- seq(-10,10,1)
data <- data <- data.frame(x) %>%
        mutate(y = f(x))

#Ploting with a marker on the optimal solution
plot_ly(data, x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
  add_markers(y = result$objective, x = result$minimum)

\[ \textbf{Equation 2:} \ \ Maximize \ \ z =-x^2+2*x-y^2 \]

In this equation there are 2 variables, for this case it can be used the base R package optim.

f <- function(x,y){-x[1]^2+2*x[1]-x[2]^2}
result <- optim(c(1, 1), f)
## # A tibble: 1 x 4
##       value function.count gradient.count convergence
##       <dbl>          <int>          <int>       <int>
## 1 -7.45e110            501             NA           1

1.1.2 Constrained

1.2 Practice Problems

1.2.1 Handmade Baskets

\[ P = (x/73)^2-(x/95)+0.92 \]

P <- function(x){(x/73)^2-(x/95)+0.92}

#Data created for plot, using mutate on the function
x <- seq(-100,200,1)
data <- data <- data.frame(x) %>%
        mutate(y = P(x))

min = data[data$y == min(data$y),] #cheating :P

#Ploting with a marker on the optimal solution
plot_ly(data, x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
  add_markers(y = min$y, x = min$x)
#Part 1: Price Functio

# #Question1: How much will it charge with 5 basket's order ?
# P(5)
# #Question2: What is the first derivative of the price function?
#  library(Ryacas)
#  x <- Sym("x")
#  s <- expression((x/73)^2-(x/95)+0.92)
#  deriv(s,x) #Didn't work TO DO
#  #Question3: Second Derivative
#  x <- Sym("x")
#  s <- expression(-1/95 + (2*x)/5329)
#  deriv(s,x) #worked
# #Question4: Lowest Unit Price
# result <- optimize(P,interval = c(-100,100), maximum = F)
# print(result)

1.2.2 Maximizing Storage

\[ \begin{align*} \textbf{Minimize} & \ Z = x \cdot y \\ \textbf{Subject to} \\ & 2 \cdot x+2 \cdot y = 26.7 \end{align*} \]

\[ \begin{align*} \textbf{Minimize} & \ Z\ =x\cdot\ \left(\frac{\left(26.7-2\cdot x\right)}{2}\right)\\ \end{align*} \]


f <- function(x){x*((26.7 - 2*x)/2)}
result <- optimize(f,interval = c(-100,100), maximum = T)
## $maximum
## [1] 6.7
## $objective
## [1] 45

Let’s check the result in the plot

#Data created for plot, using mutate on the function
x <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
data <- data <- data.frame(x) %>%
        mutate(y = f(x))

#Ploting with a marker on the optimal solution
plot_ly(data, x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
  add_markers(y = result$objective, x = result$maximum)

1.2.3 Marketing MagicPuppy

\[ N = 1700 \left ( \frac{x}{90} - \left ( \frac{x}{90} \right ) ^2 \right ) \]

f <- function(x){1700*(x/90-(x/90)^2)}

#Question1: First derivative
 # x <- Sym("x")
 # s <- expression(1700*(x/90-(x/90)^2))
 # deriv(s,x) #Didn't work TO DO

#Question2: How many units should be given away in the campaign in order to maximize its positive impact?
result <- optimize(f,interval = c(-100,200), maximum = T)
## $maximum
## [1] 45
## $objective
## [1] 425
x <- seq(-50,100,1)
data <- data <- data.frame(x) %>%
        mutate(y = f(x))

#Ploting with a marker on the optimal solution
plot_ly(data, x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
  add_markers(y = result$objective, x = result$maximum)

1.2.4 CureBase Cancer Institute

\[ W = \left ( m^{x^{2}} \right )\left ( n^{-x} \right )\left ( z^7 \right ) \]

#Question what is the value of  x  at the maximum value of  W , given that  m=0.06 ,  n=0.14 ,  z=0.15 ?)
f <- function(x){0.06^(x^2)*(0.14^(-x))*0.15^7}
result <- optimize(f,interval = c(-1,1), maximum = T)
## $maximum
## [1] 0.35
## $objective
## [1] 0.0000024
x <- seq(-1,1,0.1)
data <- data <- data.frame(x) %>%
        mutate(y = f(x))

#Ploting with a marker on the optimal solution
plot_ly(data, x = ~x, y = ~y, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines') %>%
  add_markers(y = result$objective, x = result$maximum)

1.2.5 Santa’s Molding Company

data <- tibble(Type = c("Profit","Time","Cubic Area", "index capacity"),
               Toy = c(25,13,33,75), doll = c(25,15,25,70),
               Capacity = c(NA,1440, 3000, NA))

kable(data, caption = "Santa’s Molding Company")
Table 1.2: Santa’s Molding Company
Type Toy doll Capacity
Profit 25 25
Time 13 15 1440
Cubic Area 33 25 3000
index capacity 75 70

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Maximize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} p_i\cdot x_i \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & x_i \le\ c_i \ \ \forall i \in N \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} t_{i} \cdot x_i \le\ 1440 \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} a_{i} \cdot x_i \le\ 3000 \\ & x_i \ge 0 \\ \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Products in N} \\ & p_i = \text{Profit margin for product i} \\ & c_i = \text{Product daily capacity} \\ & t_i = \text{Time to mold product i} \\ & a_i = \text{Cubic inches of product i} \\ & x_i = \text{Quantity of product i to mold} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

If we look closer on the dataframe, we can set constraints 2 and 3 as one with a matrix including capacity constraints, but for math notation I’ve set them differently since they are 2 different types of entities.


n = 2 #Number of products Toy and doll
c = filter(data, Type == "index capacity") %>% select(Toy,doll) %>% gather() %>% .$value #index_capacity
a = as.matrix(filter(data, Type %in% c("Time","Cubic Area")) %>% select(Toy,doll)) #constraints left hand
C = filter(data, Type %in% c("Time","Cubic Area")) %>% select(Capacity) %>% .$Capacity #constraints right hand
p = filter(data, Type == "Profit") %>% select(Toy,doll) %>% gather() %>% .$value #profit

model <- MIPModel() %>%
   #Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   #minimize travel distance
  set_objective(sum_expr(p[i]*x[i], i = 1:n), "max") %>%

   #you cannot exceed the Plant Capacity
  add_constraint(x[i] <= c[i], i= 1:n) %>%

  #You cannot exceed aditivie capacity
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[j,i], i = 1:n) <= C[j], j = 1:n)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = FALSE))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 2575
#result solution
## x[1] x[2] 
##   53   50

Let’s solve the questions

P <- function(x,y){25*x+25*y}
#Question 1: Graphical selection
#Question 2: What is the value of x = 70 and y= 30
## [1] 2500
#Question 3: What is the value of x = 50 and y= 53
## [1] 2575
#Question 3: What is the value of x = 50 and y= 53
## [1] 2375

1.2.6 Crazy Cereal

data <- tibble(Type = c("Sugary","Regular","Capacity"), Sugar = c(0.66,0.21,2000),
                   Corn_Flake = c(0.34,0.79,4000), Profit = c(0.94,0.82,NA))

kable(data, caption = "Crazy Cereal")
Table 1.3: Crazy Cereal
Type Sugar Corn_Flake Profit
Sugary 0.66 0.34 0.94
Regular 0.21 0.79 0.82
Capacity 2000.00 4000.00

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Maximize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} p_i \cdot x_{i} \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \le C_j, \ j \in M \\ & x_{i} \ge 0, \ x \in \mathbb{Z} \\ \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Products in N} \\ & j = \text{Components of N = M} \\ & p_i = \text{Profit margin for product i} \\ & a_{i,j} = \text{components for product i} \\ & C_j = \text{Component capacity} \\ & x_{i} = \text{Quantity of product} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

## Warning in rm(x): objeto 'x' não encontrado
n = 2 #Number of products Sugary and Regular
m = 2 #Number of components Sugar and Corn_Flake

#Let's do some roots R instead of dplyr :)
C = as.matrix(data[data$Type == "Capacity",c("Sugar", "Corn_Flake")])
a = as.matrix(data[data$Type %in% c("Sugary","Regular"),c("Sugar", "Corn_Flake")])
p = as.matrix(data$Profit[1:2])

model <- MIPModel() %>%
   #Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   #maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(p[i] * x[i], i = 1:n), "max") %>%

  #You cannot exceed component capacity
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:m) <= C[j], j = 1:n)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = FALSE))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 5116
#result solution
## x[1] x[2] 
## 1644 4355

1.2.7 Jim’s Meat Packing Company

data <- tibble(Cut = c("Chuck","Sirloin","Restriction"), Lean_Meat = c(0.09,0.6,0.3),
                   Fat_Meat = c(0.02,0.06,0.05), Cost = c(9.3,8.4,NA))

kable(data, caption = "Jim's Meat")
Table 1.4: Jim’s Meat
Cut Lean_Meat Fat_Meat Cost
Chuck 0.09 0.02 9.3
Sirloin 0.60 0.06 8.4
Restriction 0.30 0.05

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Minimize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_i \cdot x_{i} \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \ge \sum_{i=1}^{N} R_j \cdot x_{i}, \ \ j \in N=1 \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \le \sum_{i=1}^{N} R_j \cdot x_{i}, \ \ j \in N=2 \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \ge 50 \\ & x_{i} \ge 0, \ x \in \mathbb{Z} \\ \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Type of cut in N} \\ & j = \text{Type of meat} \\ & c_i = \text{Cost for product i} \\ & a_{i,j} = \text{components for product i} \\ & R_j = \text{Restriction capacity} \\ & x_{i} = \text{Quantity of product} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

## Warning in rm(x): objeto 'x' não encontrado
n = 2 #Number of products Sugary and Regular
m = 2 #Number of components Sugar and Corn_Flake

#Another way of subsetting data in R
R = as.matrix(data[3,2:3])
a = as.matrix(data[1:2,2:3])
c = as.matrix(data[1:2,4])

model <- MIPModel() %>%
   #Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   #maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(c[i] * x[i], i = 1:n), "min") %>%
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n) >= 50) %>%

  #You cannot exceed component capacity
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:n) >= sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n)*R[j], j = 1) %>%

  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:n) <= sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n)*R[j], j = 2)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = F))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 432
#result solution
## x[1] x[2] 
##   13   37
## [1] NA

I couldn’t find a proper function on shadow price calculation on ompr package, so lets try to calculate it ourselves!

ModelIter <- function(z){
  model <- MIPModel() %>%
   #Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   #maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(c[i] * x[i], i = 1:n), "min") %>%
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n) >= z) %>%

  #You cannot exceed component capacity
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:n) >= sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n)*R[j], j = 1) %>%

  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:n) <= sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n)*R[j], j = 2) %>%
  solve_model(with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = F))

Iter_Results <- tibble(constraint = seq(48,55,1)) %>%
                mutate(Obj_value = as.numeric(map(constraint, ModelIter)),
                       Marginal_value = round((Obj_value-lag(Obj_value,1)/(constraint-lag(constraint,1))),2))

kable(Iter_Results, caption = "Result")
Table 1.5: Result
constraint Obj_value Marginal_value
48 414
49 423 9.3
50 432 8.4
51 440 8.4
52 448 8.4
53 458 9.3
54 466 8.4
55 475 8.4
mean(Iter_Results$Marginal_value[2:length(Iter_Results)]) #Didn't work
## [1] 8.9

Marginal Value set as 8.85 got us an error, the answer was 8.63, would be good to understand what was made wrong in here.

1.2.8 John’s Shipping Company

data <- tibble(Fuel_Type = c("O_Type","D_Type","Restriction"), Hydrogen_Conc = c(45,90,60),
                   Oxygen_Conc = c(15,6,9), Cost = c(1.05,1.34,NA))

kable(data, caption = "John's Shipping Company")
Table 1.6: John’s Shipping Company
Fuel_Type Hydrogen_Conc Oxygen_Conc Cost
O_Type 45 15 1.0
D_Type 90 6 1.3
Restriction 60 9

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Minimize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_i \cdot x_{i} \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \ge \sum_{i=1}^{N} R_j \cdot x_{i}, \ \ j \in N=1 \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \le \sum_{i=1}^{N} R_j \cdot x_{i}, \ \ j \in N=2 \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \ge G \\ & x_{i} \ge 0, \ x \in \mathbb{Z} \\ \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Type of cut in N} \\ & j = \text{Type of meat} \\ & c_i = \text{Cost for product i} \\ & a_{i,j} = \text{components for product i} \\ & R_j = \text{Restriction capacity} \\ & x_{i} = \text{Quantity of product} \\ & G = \text{Minimum to be produced} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

## Warning in rm(x): objeto 'x' não encontrado
n = 2 #Number of products Sugary and Regular
m = 2 #Number of components Sugar and Corn_Flake
z = 10000 #minimum to be produced

#Another way of subsetting data in R
R = as.matrix(data[3,2:3])
a = as.matrix(data[1:2,2:3])
c = as.matrix(data[1:2,4])

model <- MIPModel() %>%
   #Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   #maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(c[i] * x[i], i = 1:n), "min") %>%
  #Produce at least the minimum required
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n) >= z) %>%

  #Minimum component required
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:n) >= sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n)*R[j], j = 1) %>%

   #You cannot exceed component capacity
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i] * a[i,j], i = 1:n) <= sum_expr(x[i], i = 1:n)*R[j], j = 2)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = F))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 12433
#result solution
## x[1] x[2] 
## 3333 6667

1.2.9 A New Office Plant

data <- tibble(Type = c("Product_1","Product_2","Product_3", "Min", "Max"),
               Nitrogen  = c(360,380,310,1800,2200), Potassium = c(30,20,20,100,100),
               cost = c(1.59,2.19,2.99,NA,NA))

kable(data, caption = "A New Office Plant")
Table 1.7: A New Office Plant
Type Nitrogen Potassium cost
Product_1 360 30 1.6
Product_2 380 20 2.2
Product_3 310 20 3.0
Min 1800 100
Max 2200 100

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Minimize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} c_i \cdot x_{i} \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \ge Min_j, \ \ j \in M \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \le Max_j, \ \ j \in M \\ & x_{i} \ge 0 \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Type of product in N} \\ & j = \text{Type of component in M} \\ & c_i = \text{Cost for product i} \\ & a_{i,j} = \text{components for product i} \\ & Min_j = \text{Restriction of component} \\ & Max_j = \text{Restriction of component} \\ & x_{i} = \text{Quantity of product} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

## Warning in rm(x): objeto 'x' não encontrado
n = 3 #Number of products
m = 2 #Number of components

#subsetting data to R
min = as.matrix(data[4,2:3])
max = as.matrix(data[5,2:3])
a = as.matrix(data[1:3,2:3])
c = as.matrix(data[1:3,4])

model <- MIPModel() %>%
  # Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "continuous", lb = 0) %>%

  # maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(c[i] * x[i], i = 1:n), "min") %>%
  #Produce at least the minimum required
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i]*a[i,j], i = 1:n) >= min[j], j = 1:m) %>%
  #Dont exceed maximum required
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i]*a[i,j], i = 1:n) <= max[j], j = 1:m)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = F))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 10
#result solution
## x[1] x[2] x[3] 
## 0.48 4.29 0.00
#Question: How many mg of Nitrogen would your solution provide to the plant every day? (Please round your answer to integer number)
## x[1] 
## 1800

1.2.10 Rochak’s Ink Company

data <- tibble(Type = c("P_Cyan","P_Magenta","P_Yellow","Max"),
               Stage1  = c(0.44,0.51,0.5,17*60^2), Stage2 = c(0.55,0.6,0.59,23*60^2),
               Demand = c(84000,72000,93000,NA), Profit = c(0.6,0.72,0.62,NA))

kable(data, caption = "Rochak's Ink Company")
Table 1.8: Rochak’s Ink Company
Type Stage1 Stage2 Demand Profit
P_Cyan 0.44 0.55 84000 0.60
P_Magenta 0.51 0.60 72000 0.72
P_Yellow 0.50 0.59 93000 0.62
Max 61200.00 82800.00

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Maximize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} p_i \cdot x_{i} \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \le Max_j, \ \ j \in M \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \le D_i \\ & x_{i} \ge 0, \ x \in \mathbb{Z} \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Type of product in N} \\ & j = \text{Production stage in M} \\ & p_i = \text{Profit for product i} \\ & a_{i,j} = \text{Time requirement for product i in stage j} \\ & Max_j = \text{Restriction of production time} \\ & D_i = \text{Demand for product} \\ & x_{i} = \text{Quantity of product} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

In this exercise, you’re willing to maximize profit given the demand. You don’t have to fulfill all of the demand, that’s why the $ {i=1}^{N} x{i} D_i$ constraint.

## Warning in rm(x): objeto 'x' não encontrado
n = 3 #Number of products
m = 2 #Number of components

#subsetting data to R
D = as.matrix(data[1:3,4])
max = as.matrix(data[4,2:3])
a = as.matrix(data[1:3,2:3])
p = as.matrix(data[1:3,5])

model <- MIPModel() %>%
  # Variable of profit
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   # maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(p[i] * x[i], i = 1:n), "max") %>%
  #Don't produce something you don't have demand for
  add_constraint(x[i] <= D[i], i = 1:n) %>%
  #Dont exceed maximum required
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i]*a[i,j], i = 1:n) <= max[j], j = 1:m)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = F))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 85222
#result solution
##  x[1]  x[2]  x[3] 
## 55641 71996     0

1.2.11 Pasteur Cheese Factory

data <- tibble(Type = c("P_Original","P_Cheddar","P_Wasabi","Max","Cost"),
               X_Ray  = c(8.6,2.2,5.1,8*60,0.11), Checkweigher = c(7.0,6.8,9.8,9*60,0.22),
               Profit = c(20,15,17,NA,NA))

kable(data, caption = "Pasteur Cheese Factory")
Table 1.9: Pasteur Cheese Factory
Type X_Ray Checkweigher Profit
P_Original 8.60 7.00 20
P_Cheddar 2.20 6.80 15
P_Wasabi 5.10 9.80 17
Max 480.00 540.00
Cost 0.11 0.22

$$ \[\begin{align*} \textbf{Maximize} & \ y = \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot \left( p_i - \sum_{j=1}^{M} c_{i,j} \right) \\ \textbf{subject to}\\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} \cdot a_{i,j} \le Max_j, \ \ j \in M \\ & x_{i} \ge 0, \ x \in \mathbb{Z} \\ \textbf{Where} \\ & i = \text{Type of product in N} \\ & j = \text{Production stage in M} \\ & p_i = \text{Profit for product i} \\ & c_{i,j} = \text{Cost for product i in stage j} \\ & a_{i,j} = \text{Time requirement for product i in stage j} \\ & Max_j = \text{Restriction of production time} \\ & D_i = \text{Demand for product} \\ & x_{i} = \text{Quantity of product} \\ \end{align*}\] $$

In this exercise, you’re willing to maximize profit given the cost of production.

## Warning in rm(x): objeto 'x' não encontrado
n = 3 #Number of products
m = 2 #Number of components

#subsetting data to R
c = as.vector(data[5,2:3]) #This cost will be changed
max = as.matrix(data[4,2:3])
a = as.matrix(data[1:3,2:3])
p = as.matrix(data[1:3,4])

#Multiply all rows of j column of a[i,j] to c[i], in r for this to happen you have to change the vector to a square matrix
kable(diag(c), caption = "As is")
Table 1.10: As is
0.11 0.00
0.00 0.22
c = a %*% diag(c)
#It becomes:
kable(c,  caption = "It becomes")
Table 1.10: It becomes
0.95 1.5
0.24 1.5
0.56 2.2
#Get back to model
model <- MIPModel() %>%
   #Variable of productW
  add_variable(x[i], i = 1:n, type = "integer", lb = 0) %>%

   #maximize profit
  set_objective(sum_expr(x[i]*(p[i] - sum_expr(c[i,j],j = 1:m)), i = 1:n), "max") %>%

  #Dont exceed maximum required
  add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i]*a[i,j], i = 1:n) <= max[j], j = 1:m)

result <- solve_model(model, with_ROI(solver = "glpk", verbose = F))

#Optimal Value
## [1] 1239
#result solution
## x[1] x[2] x[3] 
##   48   30    0